PCYC Privacy Statement

PCYC is committed to the Privacy Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002.

For PCYC to conduct its activities and comply with Government law and regulations, it is necessary to collect and use certain kinds of personal information about Club Members. That information includes the information collected in this Enrolment Form and is a result of being a member.

As much as possible, PCYC will only collect such information directly from you, however we may also collect information from a parent, guardian or third party in certain circumstances such as accidents or incident investigations.

We will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal information is up-to-date and accurate, complete and secure, and to destroy information when it is not needed.

You may request access to any personal information PCYC holds about you.

PCYC Privacy Policy can be found at www.pcycnsw.org.au or can be provided on request.



By enrolling in the Traffic Offenders Intervention Program with PCYC NSW I agree that I must display an acceptable standard of behaviour while attending the Traffic Offenders Intervention Program.


  • HAVE MY CAMERA TURNED ON - If my camera is turned off I will receive a notification to turn my camera on. If my camera is not turned on within 10 minutes of that notification I will be removed from the session and have to attend a makeup session to complete the program.
  • BE SITTING UPRIGHT IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA AT ALL TIMES - I understand that if I am not in front of the camera I will be marked as absent and will be removed from the session. Persistent absences from the camera will result in expulsion from the program. My coordinator will issue a written warning via text and email. If I turn my camera off or am absent again after that warning, I will be removed from the program without further notice. I understand if I am removed from the program I will have to re-enrol and pay the course fee again and the court will be notified.
  •  MUTE MY MICROPHONE AFTER SPEAKING - I understand TOIP is interactive .I may ask questions during the sessions, and will be given the opportunity to share my stories.
  • BEHAVE IN A RESPECTFUL & COURTEOUS MANNER to the TOIP Coordinator, Presenters and to other participants before, during & after the sessions.
  • ARRIVE 5 MINUTES before the start of the session. I understand that late arrivals may not be admitted.
  • DRESS APPROPRIATELY AND BE SEATED UPRIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR DEVICE -. I understand that I must engage with the program and be not be laying down, or in bed, asleep.
  •  ATTEND ALL SEVEN (7) SESSIONS AND ANSWER MY WORKBOOK QUESTIONS AND FINAL REFLECTION -I must answer my workbook questions with pen and paper or typed into a document and return them to my coordinator, via email or photo text message. Phone call answers can be arranged if writing or language difficulties are an issue. Assessment tasks that are not up to the required standard will be returned as unacceptable. I will be given the opportunity to address unacceptable activities. Failure to address the unacceptable activities will result in 'not yet competent" result being recorded on my Court Report or Certificate of Completion.
  • COMPLETE MAKE-UP SESSIONS (ONLY ONE MAKE UP SESSION IS PERMITTED)—In the event of being absent for any session, or removed from a session I will advise my Coordinator and request a makeup session. I understand that if I do not attend this session I will not be eligible for another reschedule. All rescheduled sessions must be completed within 8 weeks of the start date of my program and that PCYC cannot issue a Court Report or Certificate of Completion until I have successfully completed the TOIP program.


  • DISPLAY ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR including swearing, talking amongst other participants whilst the Presenters are speaking, arguing, swearing, emailing or using social media interfaces or listening to music, playing computer games whilst in the session.
  • CONSUME ALCOHOL OR OTHER ILLICIT DRUGS prior to, or during my attendance at the TOIP program.



Refund and Reschedule Policy

Rescheduling sessions: Each participant is permitted one rescheduled session (with prior notice). 

Any further reschedules will incur a $25 admin fee. All rescheduled sessions must be completed within 8 weeks of registration.

If you do not attend the course in which you are booked into you, and you have not been granted a reschedule, you will be marked as incomplete and will have to re-register and repay the course fee to complete the program.

Refund Policy:

Refunds must be requested at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the program.

No refunds are permitted after program start date, or if proof of enrollment has been submitted to the court.

No refunds for absence, expulsion, or withdrawal from the program.

The court will be notified of fail to commence a program when a refund is issued.

Submit refund requests via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (02) 9625 9111.

You will need to provide the name on the credit card used to pay for the course. Eligible refunds will be processed within 14 days.

All refund and reschedule requests are subject to review. Approval is based on the discretion of PCYC.



Risk Warning


Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW Ltd ABN 89 40 152 271 (PCYC) advises of the risk of damage to property, or of personal injury or even death if you participate in the Traffic Offenders Intervention Program.

All participants are required to behave in a safe and responsible manner in order to minimise these risks.

Participants are also advised that they may be personally liable for any damage to property or loss arising from injury or death caused by or contributed to by their participation in the Traffic Offenders Intervention Program.

PCYC does not accept any responsibility for any loss suffered by any person arising from their participation in the Traffic Offenders Intervention Program.

If a claim is made against PCYC for property damage or personal injury or death, then PCYC may claim indemnity against the person who caused the claim to be made. All participants in the Traffic Offenders Intervention Program participate at their own risk.